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Is Kaltura Virtual Classrooms and Meetings having problems? Kaltura Virtual Classrooms and Meetings is up and running

Kaltura Virtual Classrooms and Meetings problems reports in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the number of reports in the last 24 hours. It's normal to see a few reports, but if you see a lot of reports, it means that the service might be going through some issues.

Latest Kaltura Virtual Classrooms and Meetings outage from official status page

Kaltura Meetings Audio Issue in Chrome v.103

What is the issue: Virtual Classroom Chrome users cannot hear other class participants when joining the room (initially) from a Chrome latest 103 version browser. Current status: Our team is investigating the problem. As a workaround users can use another type of browser (such as Firefox or Edge) or earlier versions of Chrome. In organizations that are limited to Chrome's latest version then the workaround is at the beginning of the call to ask all participants to mute/unmute their audio once, and that will fix the issue for that call (as long as users won't refresh their browser from that point and on). It is important to note that if a user with Chrome v.103 refreshes the page, all participants will need to do the mute unmute again. What to expect next: The next update will be posted by 12:00 UTC.

Created almost 2 years ago