All Services • Classcraft

Is Classcraft having problems? Classcraft is up and running

Classcraft problems reports in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the number of reports in the last 24 hours. It's normal to see a few reports, but if you see a lot of reports, it means that the service might be going through some issues.

Latest Classcraft outage from official status page

Cloud infrastructure problem

A cloud infrastructure problem is slowing down The problem rests with one of our service providers and is beyond our control. We apologize for any inconvenience this is causing you and your classroom. --- Un problème lié à notre infrastructure nuagique ralenti Le problème provient d'un de nos fournisseurs de service et est hors de notre contrôle. Nous sommes désolés pour tout inconvénient que ça cause à vous et votre classe.

Created over 1 year ago