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Is ChargeDesk having problems? ChargeDesk is up and running

ChargeDesk problems reports in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the number of reports in the last 24 hours. It's normal to see a few reports, but if you see a lot of reports, it means that the service might be going through some issues.

Latest ChargeDesk outage from official status page

PayPal "Authentication/Authorization Failed" errors

We have seen a significant increase in "Authentication/Authorization Failed" errors coming from PayPal for managing subscriptions. This is affecting both retrieving and updating subscriptions (such as cancelling). This issue is coming from PayPal and we are working with them on resolving this. While this issue persists, you may not be able to see some PayPal subscriptions or cancel them through ChargeDesk. To ensure subscription data is appearing in your ChargeDesk account, please go to Setup > Gateways > Configure next to PayPal. From here ensure that your IPN status is "Connected" at the top of the page. If not, please follow the prompts to connect your IPN to ChargeDesk. This will ensure subscription data appears in your account. For cancelling subscriptions, you may be able to attempt the cancellation several times and see the request go through. We are working on automating this process. We're really sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately as this issue is on PayPal's side we need to wait for them to resolve it. We will continue to work on it from our side to try to find a work-around and post further updates here.

Created 9 months ago