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Is Bizzabo having problems? Bizzabo is up and running

Bizzabo problems reports in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the number of reports in the last 24 hours. It's normal to see a few reports, but if you see a lot of reports, it means that the service might be going through some issues.

Latest Bizzabo outage from official status page

Unable to load event list

We have identified the cause of the issue that is currently not allowing organizers to view their event list. At this time, organizers are able to load into a specific event if they have their event ID. The same API that is used to load event lists are connected to the mobile app, therefore, there is a chance the mobile app will not load. We are currently working on a fix. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed. Thank you for your understanding, and please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected] with any additional concerns.

Created 11 days ago