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Is BigPanda having problems? BigPanda is up and running

BigPanda problems reports in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the number of reports in the last 24 hours. It's normal to see a few reports, but if you see a lot of reports, it means that the service might be going through some issues.

Latest BigPanda outage from official status page

Update on Sisense Customer Data Compromise

We want to inform you that we have identified and stopped some suspicious activities from an unidentified threat actor. Pursuing our audit of this security incident, we were able to identify there was read-only access to some user data. This incident follows a security incident experienced by one of our partners, Sisense. We wanted to let you know that BigPanda takes this matter extremely seriously. We have started a detailed investigation immediately to understand the full extent of what is happening. Our internal investigation determined the data compromise did not include operational data and was limited to analytical data used for our Unified Analytics offering. As an immediate remediation, we updated all the user access keys and credentials for all our systems. This has terminated access for the threat actor and prevents further intrusion from the recent exploit. We monitored and confirmed there has been no threat actor activity after the user access keys were changed. The threat actor was able to query a list of usernames, which are email addresses. There is no indication that customer API Keys were compromised since all API Keys are stored in a separate secured environment, which was not compromised as part of this event. All user access credentials were rotated as of April 11th, 1:45 PM Pacific, and we have completed Sisense recommended procedures. For any additional requests or to arrange further discussion, please contact BigPanda Security team by email [email protected].

Created about 1 month ago