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Is having problems? is up and running problems reports in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the number of reports in the last 24 hours. It's normal to see a few reports, but if you see a lot of reports, it means that the service might be going through some issues.

Latest outage from official status page

Webhook Service Disruption is aware of an issue that is currently affecting the Webhook service in production, which may impact clients from receiving some Webhook responses. We are investigating the cause and working urgently to resolve the issue. <b>Impact:</b> Users may experience issues with the Webhook service responses. <b>Reported Start Time:</b> 4/30/2024 <b>Next Update:</b> As additional information is received. We regret any inconvenience this may cause for our customers. We will provide regular updates until the issue is mitigated. Please do not hesitate to contact the support team if you have any questions or concerns. <a href= target="_blank"> Support Center</a>

Created 11 days ago